学校办公室(党委办公室、校长办公室) University’s Office
党委组织部、党委统战部、离退休工作办公室 Organization Department (of the CPC Committee), United Front Department (of the CPC Committee), Office of Retirement Services
党委宣传部 Publicity Department
纪检监察室 Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision
党委教师工作部、人事处、人才办 Department of Faculty Affairs and Development (of the CPC Committee), Department of Human Resources,Talent Office
党委学生工作部、学生处 Student Support Services
党委安全保卫部、党委人民武装部 People's Armed Forces Department (of the CPC Committee), Security Department
战略管理处 Strategic Development
教务处 Teaching Affairs
国际交流合作处、港澳台事务办公室(合署) Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges; Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs
计划财务处 Budget and Finance
审计处 Audit
公共事务与资产管理处 University Services and Assets Management
校园建设处 Infrastructure Construction
社会服务与合作处(校友办)、师干训中心办公室 Social Services and Cooperation;Zhejiang Provincial Training Center for Teachers and
信息化建设与管理处 Informatization Construction and Management